Friday, September 28, 2012

Memory Lane

I have been with my boyfriend, Justin, for three years.. so we decided to take some photos to capture our three year mark. It was such a fun experience! Taken by my friend, Ashley. Enjoy!

He would be mad if he knew I posted the one below!! ;)

This is my best friend Ashley!

Believe it or not this shot was HARD to get! Us both laughing... hay falling in our eyes.. But I am SO happy we got it because it captured how much we love each other. 

Upholstered Headboard DIY!

I have always wanted to make my own headboard. But, I thought it would be impossible considering I am a broke college student! I am here to tell you, it is not impossible! In fact, it is very do-able.... and REALLY fun! 

Alright, here was my inspiration headboard! You will see it does not turn out quite like this... but keep reading!!

Step 1: Go to Home Depot and buy a slab of wood! I got somewhat thin plywood. Have the man cut it for you to the size of your bed frame! My bed is a full. 

Step 2: Go to Michael's/Joanne's/Hobby Lobby... wherever your heart desires & pick out your fabric! Here is my fabric. I LOVE bright colors and I thought this pattern would work with the other patterns I have in my room already.

I wish I could say I drew out the shape of the board by myself.. but I couldn't have done this project without the help of my dad and boyfriend, Justin. We got some cardboard and traced the shape I wanted! 

Next, we cut it!

 Yes... that's ME!

Couple of pictures didn't make it in here... but we then glued down some cushion. I just bought a cheap foam mattress pad and cut it to the shape of the board then glued it down! Then the most important part... stapling down the fabric! You have to make sure it is pulled tight so you don't end up with wrinkles or loose fabric! 

Here is the finished project! :)

I was very pleased with the final outcome!